(For context, most computer science classes in Berkeley have course websites, with even a whole tab dedicated to all the undergraduate and graduate staff running the show.)
I'm gonna be an academic intern for "CS70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory" this Spring! The pay is 0 dollars and 0 cents an hour, but I'll be able to help out during office hours and discussions, pretty sick!
Truth be told, I've never actually taken this class before, but REGARDLESS, this seems like a pretty cool opportunity to help out other students with their CS theory journey. It could also help me climb up the ranks for course staff later on (next comes reader, then TA, then head TA, then instructor, then CEO, then supreme leader of the universe, and so on).
But before I even think about that though, the first thing I gotta do is add a photo and short bio of myself for the staff page. This step feels
as it's basically the students' first impression of you. Having a good first impression is, wellll, good!
I think I know what I don't wanna do, and that's the normal bio where you say who you are, where you're from, what you study, and your hobbies. Truth be told, this is probablyyyy the best thing to do, buuut I don't know. To be honest I should probably just go to bed but I want to find something to do to stall sleeping.
ANYWAYS, for my bio I want something provocative, inspirational, bold, and long-lasting, so that when a student sees it, it sticks with them for the rest of the semester. The staff picture, of course, needs to complement the bio perfectly, otherwise everything's ruined and I might as well drop out of Berkeley right now. The search begins!
Ok after thinking for like 10 minutes, I sorta gave up making my own bio and decided to just copy a friend's, thanks Chris:
Here's the staff page with me in it, ready to start helping out!